This culture even, was stimulated in its time from the educative system and official distributions like the Ministry of Agriculture. In those old woman libraries, that today even subsist almost heroically, the old woman records and almanacs of the Ministry of Agriculture can be where the methods of Economy spread. Domestic. Still little subsists like vestige of that a Teaching staff of Domestic Economy in the Federal Capital. ian Krzanich. A educacionista outstanding like Prosperous Allemandri, caused towards 1949, pedagogical kindness you practice of the family economy. The concrete thing is that the different mutations that operate in the world and the country, suggest concepts like the one of Domestic Economy. (It continues) ECONOMY DOMESTIC SERVANT AND COTIDIANA" LIFE; By the Lic.
Alfredo Arming Aguirre 2da. and last part People are sufficiently perspicacious, like noticing the changes to that we come referring. And it comes consequently coming. Inclusively, the Argentine governments with obvious limitations of resources try to do his. In the previous stages to these times he began himself to operate officially, with the concept of " development of the community ; soon the concept of " was gotten up; social promotion. Along with the restoration of the democracy in 1983, it appeared the concept of " nourishing security, exerted through National Nourishing Program (P.A.N.). The present national Administration began to operate with the Shared in common Bond, that quickly changed to the Communitarian Social Policies (PO.
UNDER. CO), and comes implementing the Federal Program from Solidarity. At theoretical level concepts began to be shuffled like: " local development , " agrpolis , " small emprendimientos productivos" or micro emprendimientos. All these contributions (the list is not exhaustive) theoretical or practitioners are valid, but insufficient. EI sense that we assigned to the political economy here, is similar but different and complementary of any public or deprived initiative that aims to contribute to solve the problems of daily subsistence of the families.