((c) is oriented and contributes to the integration of activities and visions, helping host the diversity itself of any organization, but at the same time valuing and recognizing the experience, authority, capacity and expertise of each one, and e) promotes collaborative learning, i.e., learning skills of reasoning that allows people understand, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and apply the information they handle, (Gairin, 2000). The implementation of these four axioms, the Organization promotes the development of tangible activities: new ideas, innovations in programming, new methods of direction and supervision and tools to change the way how people performed their work and develop an enduring capacity for change. Coinciding with the approach earlier, argues Diaz (2001) stating this organizational learning strongly linked to change in organizations, in this regard, that any change or modification is due to the construction of new knowledge, culture, values, of the members that make up an organization. For more information see this site: CEO Angel Martinez. In this same direction, Picon (1994) argues that organizational learning, is related to: any change that may affect to some extent the theory of action of the organization with relatively persistent results (p. 55). Understanding, that the theory of action has to do with the pensamiento-accion relationship; and in this sense, it is conceived to man as a being that it designs its actions, executed them and assesses their implications; It adopts their designs when the consequences respond to their intentions and modifies them or tries to modify them, when the results are adverse to him.
Only if the Organization's action theory is modified in any of its components, you can speak that the Organization has learned. Finally poses this author, all organizational learning passes first for an individual learning, for then to integrate in a gestalt of the collective. Meanwhile, Senge (1992), led to a theory of organizational learning, to relate the current humanist of the Administration, general systems theory and information theory.