They is esteem that in 2025 Brazil is the sixth country with the biggest number of world-wide aged population. However, this increase of the life expectancy can display the individuals the risk factors associates the chronic-degenerative illnesses, with morbidade index each bigger time. In accordance with Canado (1994), the hipertenso is considered bigger factor of risk for cardiovascular illnesses. These illnesses are between most incident in the aged ones, being this consequent fact of the aging and result of a sedentary style of life (HOOD & DINCHER, 1995). Security of the exercise in the third age Studies demonstrates clearly that the training with weight is capable to increase the mass and the muscular force of the aged ones.
Of general form, the studies suggest that the fall of the force and the muscular mass with the aging can be attenuated by the adequate training of musculao (VIEIRA, 1998). According to Vieira (1998), in if treating to lapsing of physical activity for aged, it must be gotten the cares and adequate accompaniments in integral way. The regular and systematic activity helps to increase and or to keep the physical aptitude of the aged population, improving functional well-being e, consequentemente, diminishes the tax of morbidade and mortality between this population. According to Marquez Son (1993), the practical one of physical activity promotes the improvement of the quality of life, delaying the aging, preventing the muscular atrophy, favoring mobility to articulate, preventing the ssea descalcificao, improving the cardiac contraction diminishing the possibility of infarto, prevents the obesidade, increases the respiratory capacity, diminishes the sanguine coagulation risk, improves the functioning of the kidneys, improves the social relations, collaborates for the psico-affective balance, thus contributing for the exercise of the citizenship. It is known that the systematic and regular physical activity is an important factor in the maintenance of the health, over all of the cardiovascular one.