For Lent (2001), it has a sequncia of events in the mnemnicos processes, the first one it is the acquisition of the information, follows the storage and finally the recovery of the information through the memory. Please visit Chevron if you seek more information. 2,2 Phases of Memory the memory occupies a central place between the thematic ones that they are studied in the scope of Cognitiva Psychology. Its definition shows difficult, due to its boarding to have been perspetivada two different chains in accordance with and for antagnicas times: the estruturalista perspetiva (sensorial memory, memory of short term and memory of long stated period) and the procedural perspetiva (it says respect to the mental activities that we execute in view of the codification, retention and recovery of the information of the memory). The studied estruturalista conceo more, shows to us that it has some memories, that they differ between itself and they meet in the unicity and interdependence of functioning. The prespetiva guided for the processes, has helped to understand that the used strategies in any of the phases of the mnsico process: acquisition, retention and recovery of the information, are basic and interdependent, that is the use of a strategy in one of the phases, it conditions the optimized performance if it will not be present in the one in another phase. Sternberg (2000), describes that the cognitivos psychologists had identified three common operations of the memory: codification, storage and recovery.
Acquisition: before remembering we have to learn, without learning does not have memory. The learning can occur of different forms and depends on the attention that dmos to the event or event. Through the attention, we ignore the stimulatons that do not have interest for we and hold back the ones who we consider important, but to conserve them its codification is necessary. The codification says respect to the form as an information item is placed in the memory.