In the words of Freud ' ' Thus, the group in them appears as a revivescncia of horda primeva. In a similar way as the primitive man ' survives potentially in each individual; '. All the communication of Freud regarding the group formation is related to the same mechanisms of functioning of the mind, as if in such a way individually how much in group the human being is under the same unconscious effect, provoked for the perpetual conflict between satisfaction of the ego, through the manifestation of the desires and the necessity of identification and acceptance, restraining these desires that are condemned by the moral rules of social convivncia. We will use words of the proper Freud in ' ' The psychology of the masses and analysis of eu' ' to understand the mind better group: (...) the consumption of the conscientious individual personality, the focalizao of thoughts and feelings in a common direction, the predominance of the affective side of the mind and the unconscious psychic life, the trend to the immediate execution of the intentions so soon occurs: everything this corresponds to a state of regression to a primitive activity mental, accurately of the species that we would be inclined to attribute horda primeva. Learn more at: New York Yankees. More ahead Freud declares: Still today the members of a group remain in the necessity of the illusion to be equal and exactly loved for its leader; proper it, however, does not need to love more nobody, can be of a nature dominadora, narcisista, autoconfiante and absolutely independent. We know that the love imposes a brake to the narcissism, and would be possible to demonstrate as, acting in this way, it if he became a civilization factor. Here he fits to ask: how Freud would analyze the formed group mind in a social net? Who would be this leader of group that appears as the factor of identification and union? It will be that the virtual world where the individuals act in the nets can be considered as unconscious a collective one? To answer to these questionings we will come back to the definition of the social nets, as being? composed social structure for people (...) hardwired by one or some types of relations, that partilham values and common objectives (...) the basic connection enters the people if of the one through the identity. .