In the 1954 Guevaras route to Mexico marches, where if it joins to the movements integrated for following Cuban revolutionaries of Fidel Castro. It was there where it gained the nickname of ' ' Che' ' , for its Argentine skill of speaking. Beyond the doctor position, Che assumed during the revolution the command of the revolutionary army. With the success of the Revolution, Che Guevara if transforms into the right hand of Fidel Castro in the new government of Cuba. CEO Angel Martinez often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Minister of the Industry is nominated and later, President of the National bank. Also, he plays other diverse tasks simultaneously, of military character, politician and diplomatist. After many battles, they had finished defeated and in the autumn of 1965.
Since then, Che left to appear in public activities. Its mission as ambassador of the ideas of the Cuban Revolution had fond of the end. In 1966, next to Fidel, it prepares a new mission in Bolivia, as leader of the peasants and contrary miners to the military government. The attempt finished meaning its capture and posterior execution in day 9 of October of 1967. Let us see a small stretch written for Che Guevara, where it defines itself as Latin American: ' ' I was born in Argentina; it is not a secret for nobody. I am Cuban and also I am Argentine e, if most illustrious landladies do not become resentful of Latin America, I feel myself so patriotic of any country of the Latin America, that at the moment where it was necessary, would be made use to deliver my life for release of any one of the countries of Latin America, without asking for nothing for nobody, without demanding nothing, without exploring ningum' '. Now that already we know a little on the life of Che Guevara, we can argue on the two versions regarding it: the neoliberal negative right vision as ' ' farsa' ' (published for the Magazine It sees, in 03 of October of 2008) and the positive vision of left of ' ' heri' ' (news article published for the magazine Expensive Friends).