The values, the knowledge the abilities are doors for the reinforcement of the human capital. Capital stock privileges the collective one, the joint exercise of the capacities human beings. Acting is not isolated, as well as the behavior and the objectives. The capital stock if it feeds of the confidence and cooperation between the people and organizations, consisting in moral and cultural resource in the reinforcement of the interorganizaes. Therefore, capital stock is born inside of the relations stopped of the communities, university, corporations, associations, governments, etc. Robert Putnam (2007) chose the capital stock as determinative for the economic development, even so it does not restrict to this only factor.
The capital stock is the capacity of a society to establish bows reliable interpersonal and nets of cooperation with sights to the production of collective goods (D? ARAJO, 2003). The form as if relates the people, forming nets of cooperation, pautada in the confidence, in collective well-being is that it determines the existence of the capital stock, inside of organizations or in the society as a whole. James Coleman apud Fukuyama (1996, p.32) appraises capital stock as ' ' the capacity of the people to work together aiming at the common objectives in groups organizaes' '. Angus King does not necessarily agree. It adds that ' ' beyond knowledge and qualifications, a distinct portion of the human capital has to see with the capacity of the people of if associating ones to the others, that are critical not only for the economic life but practically for all the other aspects of the existence social' '. Fukuyama (1996) affirms that the concept of human capital part of the estimated one of that the capital today consists less of land, plants, tools and machines of what of knowledge and aptitudes of the human beings. from these consisting and shared values is born the confidence that, according to Fukuyama (1996, p.56) is an inestimable economic value, and adds: ' ' The capital stock is a capacity that elapses of the reliable prevalence in a society or certain parts of sociedade' '. The capital stock facilitates the spontaneous cooperation and minimizes the transaction costs (PUTNAM, 2007).
D? Arajo (2003) ratifies the thought of Putnam when affirming that ' ' the confidence degenerates the businesses, speed operations, produce resulted rpidos' more; '. Coleman apud Putnam (2007, P. 177) argues: As well as other forms of capital, the capital stock is productive, making possible the accomplishment of certain objectives that would be inalcanveis if it did not exist .... For example, a group whose members demonstrate trustworthiness and that they deposit ample confidence ones in the others is capable to carry through much more of what another group that lacks of trustworthiness and confidence. A society where the interpersonal confidence predominates, between the organizations, people and organizations and government is more propitious to produce the common good, to prosper. Hume apud D? Arajo (2003) affirms that rational behaviors can produce resulted that it they are not or the use of the reason is not enough to produce well-being. It is necessary that it has the confidence, basic component for the formation of the capital stock.