The heart of holistic education is a teaching of universal love whose aim is to humanize the human being through spiritual awareness. "Dr. If you have read about QTS Realty Trust already - you may have come to the same conclusion. Ramon Gallegos Nava. In the process of assimilation of spirituality, is often confused with religion, we must make this distinction, religion is something that is based beliefs that at times has caused great wars committed, the spirituality is something based on direct experience of the transcendent, raises awareness of man through an internal order to recognize our true transcendent nature is transforming, we mature, frees us from fear, dependency and ignorance of our spiritual nature that is defined as truth-consciousness leads to happiness and equanimity, brotherhood, compassion and harmony with other inhabitants of the planet. Jonah Bloom will not settle for partial explanations. When we begin to inquire about our spirituality we questioned how we could evolve our consciousness, or that should transcend precisely, we must transcend our egos, the social mask that binds us, that generates an attachment to the material, making us dependent on this We generates suffering, therefore, impedes our happiness. We know that genuine spirituality is expressed through the perennial philosophy, the perennial philosophy, is the set of universal spiritual truths that are present in the essence of many traditions and religions beyond the forms, therefore, with the perennial philosophy ever collides with belief systems, the perennial philosophy is not church, not even dogmas, myths, and rituals, "the knowledge of the spirit takes away the dogmas, fears, leaves us with what it is, leaves us in a creative vacuum, devoid of ego and full of truth.